smallest hero image

Courses and Requirements

The major in English is the study of the arts of literature. Although the emphasis 是对伟大作品的批判性分析,学生也会获得理解吗 the historical development of literature written in English.  Every semester, you have the freedom to choose the courses that interest you most, with no required sequences of classes! Students who major or minor in English at Washington College…

  • Indulge their passion for reading and writing
  • Benefit from small class sizes and lively discussions
  • Become part of a vibrant community of scholars and writers
  • 完成灵活的课程要求,为各种各样的职业生涯做好准备 options, including writing, editing, teaching, law, and advertising, just to name a few possibilities

The English department also serves as the home for the minors in Creative Writing and Journalism, Editing & Publishing.
这两门辅修的设计是为了配合得很好,英语辅修, and with other majors across the college!

Checklist: English Major     

Checklist: Creative Writing Minor

Checklist: English Minor

Checklist: Journalism, Editing & Publishing Minor

Checklist: English and Secondary Education

Past Courses & Distribution 

Qualtrics form for signing in to literary events for CRW and JEP minors

Courses that Count for the W2 Requirement in Fall 2022

ENG 101: Literature and Composition.  本课程培养学生的阅读能力,批判性分析能力, and writing through the study of literature. There are frequent writing assignments, as well as individual conferences on the student’s writing.  Counts for Humanities distribution and W2 requirement.
  • DeProspo, TTh 1:00-2:15pm
  • O'Connor, MWF 10:30-11:20am
ENG 103: Introduction to Creative Writing.  A workshop introducing new writers to several forms of creative writing, including poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Students will use classic and contemporary literature as models for their own efforts.  Counts for Creative Writing minor, Journalism, Editing & Publishing minor, W2 requirement, and Humanities requirement for students matriculating Fall 2022.
  • Abdur-Rahman, TuTH  2:30-3:45pm
  • Taliancich, MW 2:30-3:45pm

ENG 294-11: SpTp Journalism: Commentary and Criticism.  本课程将探讨各种当代新闻评论作品,包括 op-eds, commentaries, editorials, columns as well as cultural and arts critiques. 我们将密切关注声音,结构,视角和研究 produced each piece. We will examine the ways in which critical analysis of elements of our environment enhance appreciation of our worlds. Students will conduct research 要写各种评论文章,如评论、社论和电影评论, album, and book.  Counts for upper-level Journalism, Editing, & Publishing minor, Communication and Media Studies major, Humanities distribution, and W2 requirement.

  • Abdur-Rahman TTh 10:00am-11:15am

Distribution Credit In English

学生可以满足任何100级或100级的人文学科分布要求 200-level course in English except ENG 103: Intro to Creative Writing.

Courses that Count for the Humanities Requirement in Fall 2022

Counts for Humanities distribution and W2 requirement.

ENG 101: Literature and Composition.  本课程培养学生的阅读能力,批判性分析能力, and writing through the study of literature. There are frequent writing assignments, as well as individual conferences on the student’s writing.

  • DeProspo, TTh 1:00-2:15pm
  • O'Connor, MWF 10:30-11:20am

ENG 103: Introduction to Creative Writing.  A workshop introducing new writers to several forms of creative writing, including poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Students will use classic and contemporary literature as models for their own efforts.  Counts for Creative Writing minor, Journalism, Editing & Publishing minor, W2 requirement, and Humanities requirement for students matriculating Fall 2022.

  • Abdur-Rahman, TuTH  2:30-3:45pm
  • Taliancich, MW 2:30-3:45pm

ENG 207: British Literature and Culture.  This course offers a survey of literature written in English between 700 and 1688, a timeframe that spans the evolution of Old, Middle, and Early Modern Englishes.  我们的阅读重点是主要文本和作者,从凯德蒙和乔叟到 玛杰里·肯普和莎士比亚,并在他们的历史背景下分析他们 moment and aesthetic movements.  Counts for Humanities distribution and the Medieval and Early Modern Studies Minor.  

  • Charles, MWF 1:30-2:20pm

Counts for American Studies major and Humanities distribution.

AMS/ENG 209.  Intro to American Literature and Culture I. 本课程于秋季学期开设,内容涉及美国文化的建立 Literature as a school subject.  Texts that have achieved the status of "classics" of American Literature, such as Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, Thoreau's Walden, and Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, will be read in the context of the history and politics of their achieving this status.  Texts traditionally excluded from the canon of American literature, in particular early 西班牙语和法裔美国人的文本,将考虑在其相对的背景下 在美国学术界建立美国文学项目的边缘地位.  非书面材料,如该时期的现代电影表现 对北美的探索和殖民,以及英国殖民者的肖像 历史绘画,将会被研究它们是如何反映文化诉求的 independence of early North America.  Other-than-North-American materials, such as late medieval and early Renaissance Flemish and French still lifes, as well as the 19世纪欧洲浪漫主义诗人和散文作家的作品,将被抽样 因为它们反映了北美文化的独特之处.

  • DeProspo, TuTh 11:30am-12:45pm

PHL/ENG 294-10: Global Wisdom and Literature.  "Global Wisdom and Literature" introduces and studies global wisdom traditions in 文学研究、哲学和宗教研究的跨学科努力. From the Mesopotamian mythology of Gilgamesh to the early modern Japanese Buddhist poetry of Matsuo Basho; from the rational self-defense of Socrates in the Apology to the passionate longing for the ineffable God mused by Sufis in Islamic mysticism; from the varying cities of the Roman Empire which signpost the Christian spiritual 奥古斯丁在他的《九州娱乐官网》中谈到了儒家和谐思想的衰落 中国唐代悲叹杜甫的《九州娱乐官网》,是人类的伟大传统 global wisdom and literature will be explored to overcome the barriers of history, geography, ideology, genre, and academic disciplines. With the instruction and guidance of two WC professors (Prof. Courtney E. Rydel and Prof. Bin Song), students will be expected to acquire skills of intercultural and interdisciplinary competence which is pivotal to the real-world value of contemporary liberal arts education.  This class counts for Humanities distribution, the English major as Pre-1800, the 哲学和宗教研究主修和副修,人文学科主修,还有中世纪 and Early Modern Studies minor.

ENG 294-11: SpTp Journalism: Commentary and Criticism.  本课程将探讨各种当代新闻评论作品,包括 op-eds, commentaries, editorials, columns as well as cultural and arts critiques. 我们将密切关注声音,结构,视角和研究 produced each piece. We will examine the ways in which critical analysis of elements of our environment enhance appreciation of our worlds. Students will conduct research 要写各种评论文章,如评论、社论和电影评论, album, and book.  Counts for upper-level Journalism, Editing, & Publishing minor, Communication and Media Studies major, Humanities distribution, and W2 requirement.

  • Abdur-Rahman TTh 10:00am-11:15am


Spring 2022 Upper Level Courses in English, Creative Writing, Journalism, Editing & Publishing

满足英语专业1800年后的要求,高级英语辅修要求; and counts for the European Studies minor.

ENG 321.  Romanticism. The movement from the late eighteenth century to 1832 considered as a revolution in the aims and methods of poetry.  Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, and Keats.

  • Gillin, TuTh 10:00-11:15am

满足英语专业1800年后的要求,高级英语辅修要求; and the Gender Studies minor.

ENG 340: Women's Literature 1800 to the present.  Beginning with Jane Austen, Emily Dickinson, and George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) in 从19世纪到弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫、阿德里安娜·里奇和查迪·史密斯 在20年级,本课程将涵盖一系列小说、非小说、诗歌和戏剧 by women up to the present.  The course will also introduce students to a range of feminist theory.

  • O'Connor, MWF 12:30am-1:20pm

人类发展专业,中等教育辅修,是必修课 for the track in English with Secondary Education.

ENG 342.  Children's and Young Adult Literature.  本课程包括阅读和研究著名作家的文学作品 children and young adults as the major audience.  We will explore literary elements, 评价标准,措辞,非虚构,诗歌,文学在印刷媒体的反应 and the arts, classics, and contemporary works.  本课程提供了考察各种形式的交流和解释的机会, 实施技术,并发散思维,以协助感兴趣的人 在儿童和青少年文学中成为更能反思和有效的沟通者.  This is a MSDE-approved reading course.

  • Bunten, TuTh 1:00-2:15pm


ENG 351/THE 351 Introduction to Playwriting.  对写作技巧和风格的分析和实际应用 the stage. 

  • Spotswood, TuTh 2:30-5:00pm

ENG 353.  Living Writers: Journalists.  The course is structured in a way similiar to a traditional offering in literature 不同之处在于:在课堂上学习作品的记者将参观课程, 与课程参与者讨论他们的工作,提供公共读物,并给学生 a glimpse into the careers and lives of working journalists in a variety of fields and genres.

  • Abdur-Rahman, TuTh 10:00-11:15am

满足英语专业选修要求,并算为创意写作辅修 and the Journalism, Editing & Publishing minor.

ENG 354.  Literary Editing and Publishing.  The Rose O'Neill Literary House is home to Cherry Tree, 以诗人、小说作家和非小说作家为特色的专业文学杂志 of national reputation and staffed by Washington College students.  In this course, 学生在编辑和出版顶级出版物的过程中接受实践培训 literary journal.  They analyze literary markets even as they steward into print work from the nation's most prestigious emerging and established writers.  This class includes extensive research and discussion of nationally recognized literary magazines and covers topics such as a publication's mission statement, its aesthetic vision, and its editorial practices.  All students who wish to join the editorial staff and be included on the masthead of Cherry Tree must complete one semester of ENG 354: Literary Editing and Publishing.

  • Hall, W 6:30-9:00pm

满足英语专业1800年后的要求,高级英语辅修要求; and American Studies major.  

  • DeProspo, W 4:00-6:30pm

满足英语专业1800年后的要求,高级英语辅修要求; and American Studies major.

本课程探讨美国文学史上镀金时代的主要散文小说 and culture (roughly 1878-1901).  Careful attention will be given to various treatments “大企业”、工业化、城市化、地域主义和社会不平等 in the work of Mark Twain, Stephen Crane, Kate Chopin, Frances E.W. Harper, Charles Chestnutt, and others.

  • Knight, TuTh 11:30-12:45pm.

满足英语专业1800年之前的要求,高级英语辅修要求, counts for Gender Studies minor, and for Medieval and Early Modern Studies minor.

Shakespeare stole from the best.  In this course we will read some of Shakespeare's sources alongside his plays to learn how he adapted earlier works and .  This course will explore plays such as Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, and A Midsummer Night's Dream alongside sources including Ovid's Metamorphoses, Plutarch's Lives, Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, and more.

  • Rydel, TuTh 2:30-3:45pm

Fulfills English major elective requirement and Creative Writing minor upper-level workshop requirement. 

Prerequisite: Introduction to Creative Writing.

Most creative writing workshops ask you to “write what you know.” This workshop will ask you to learn what you need to know in order to write what you need to write. Class 阅读材料会让我们看到这种形式的大师——拉希里、桑德斯和巴斯,哦,我的领导 by example. We will use research and interviews to ransack the world in which we live 在寻找细节,措辞和术语,这将有助于我们的短 fiction ring true.

  • Kesey, W 1:30-4:00pm.

Fulfills English major elective requirement and Creative Writing minor upper-level workshop requirement. 

Counts for Environmental Studies major!

通过阅读,写作和实地考察,我们将定位自己的创造性 环境中的力量,磨砺我们自己的声音,在与他人的对话中有秩序 to craft a poetic response. Some of our class meetings will be on or around the Chester River to take full advantage of our natural laboratory.

Save the earth—one poem at a time. 

  •  Hadaway, M 2:30-5:00

Fulfills Creative Writing Minor Upper-Level Requirement ("Editing and Publishing" option) (if both semesters are taken)

Fulfills Journalism, Editing & Publishing Minor Advanced course requirement (if both semesters are taken)

Fulfills English Major Elective Requirement (if both semesters are taken)

The practicum can be taken in conjunction with working on any campus publication, not only The Elm!

  • Abdur-Rahman, F 2:30-3:45pm

Fulfills Creative Writing Minor Upper-Level Requirement ("Editing and Publishing" option)

Fulfills Journalism, Editing & Publishing Minor Internship Requirement

Fulfills English Major Elective Requirement

ENG 390/490. Internships.  在英语系实习有助于学生的未来发展 在九州娱乐官网以外的世界就业,他们的目标是整合和发展 在完成一门课程的过程中获得的写作、思考和沟通技巧 English Major, Creative Writing minor, or Journalism, Editing & Publishing minor . 与每次实习相关的具体条件将由教员制定 指导老师、提供实习的机构代表和学生.

For more information on Internships, contact Dr. Elizabeth O'Connor, English Department Internship Coordinator


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Take a look at the Washington College course catalog for full course descriptions.

Course Catalog